Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How To Get High Performance Cloud Storage

Daniel Benisatto

IS 251

Prof. Tallon

Blog #4

How To Get High Performance Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is a model of online storage that is networked. The data that is stored in this way is stored on multiple virtual servers. The data is also generally hosted by a third party rather than being hosted on a single dedicated server. These hosting companies use large data centers in order to operate on a bigger scale. People who use cloud storage can either buy or lease storage capacity from these companies. The companies that are in charge of these data centers virtualize the resources in accordance to what the requirements of the customer are. Using cloud storage has a couple of different potential advantages and concerns. One advantage of cloud storage is that a company only has to pay for the specific amount of storage that they are going to need. One other advantage is that companies do not need to install storage units into their own offices and data centers. This allows companies to save space on their own privately used units. The potential concerns for cloud storage include major security issues. Companies that look into such storage companies tend to doubt that their stored material remains safe in these data centers.

Referring to the article, one major challenge with cloud storage is the connection between the company and the stored data. The cloud storage tends to be slower within the data center. This does not necessarily mean that there should be a limited use of cloud storage. This simply means that a greater intelligence is needed to load data into the cloud and make it more efficient. With such intelligence, cloud storage would gain leverage and become a top of the line application.

With the use of cloud storage there are certain practical steps that should be taken. A strong connection to the Internet is the first thing that is needed. Tests have shown that a stronger bandwidth made the cloud storage application significantly more usable. Next, the data selected should be gradually migrated into the cloud. This includes migrating the oldest data sets a one time. This results in almost no difference in the usage of the data in the cloud. This also allows there to be performance improvement in the local response time of the data center.

Even with these conditions in mind, it seems as though cloud storage is a feasible option for different applications and data sets. This is considered a hybrid technology and it continues to improve. Something that lets this improve is the cost of certain bandwidth, as it is decreasing.

It seems as though cloud storage should be something that a lot more major companies should be turning to in the near future. The advantages seem to outweigh the disadvantages and it allows companies to more efficiently use their in-office computers. If there comes a time where it is ensured that the data stored in the cloud is entirely secure and safe, I believe it is something that will become a booming technological advancement. Companies will be able to earn revenue from setting up different data centers and it can only benefit others from there.


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