Tuesday, November 9, 2010

At GM, High-Performance Computing Curbs Test Costs

Eddie Tomasek

At GM, High-Performance Computing Curbs Test Costs

We are in an age in which we rely more and more on computers to do everyday things. As technology advances computers abilities are also increasing. They are now developing supercomputers which are capable of running the most sophisticated systems. One of the leaders in developing supercomputers is IBM. IBM developed a supercomputer for GM that allows the company to simulate crash tests. This has saved GM millions of dollars over the past three years.

Before GM started using supercomputers to simulate crash tests it would cost them roughly $300,000 because they cannot built on the assembly line. The high cost of the vehicle sells for one-tenth that price so it is a huge loss GM has to cover. Since implementing the super computer GM has cut the number of crash test cars from 600 three years ago to 300 this year. Not only is the supercomputer significantly cutting costs for GM, it allows them to test all types of accidents. GM can simulate literally every possible situation to ensure the cars safety. Since GM can simulate all crash situations the can ensure the safety to their customers. This is good for their business because it builds a sense of trust between them and the customer.

GM is cutting severe costs with this supercomputer. I think this is a great investment for the company considering how much American car companies are struggling. GM can rebuild their brand name because it is making for safer vehicles and upgrading performance. GM is now bringing in more revenues because of this allowing them to pull themselves out of the hole. I think more car companies should look at what GM is doing and follow in their footsteps. It could be great for American car companies to make a new name for themselves.

The supercomputer is not only used for crash tests. It was recently used in GM’s development of their new car the Volt. The supercomputer was used to, “develop some of the Volt's critical electronic controls for the vehicle's innovative battery system, electric drive unit, and cabin electronics.” (IBM.com) GM is using the new innovative computer to gain an edge in the hybrid market. This is good considering the Asian car companies own most of the market share. The IBM supercomputer is driving GM revenues up and allowing them to gain a competitive advantage in the car business.

GM is not the only company involved with supercomputers to simulate new products without spending money on making a prototype and risking it to fail. Boeing used it to design their new dreamliner. Boeing was able to simulate the new aircraft without risking failure. Dreamworks used it to make such movies as Shrek and Kung Fu Panda. The supercomputer is taking over and saving companies millions of dollars.

I think the implementation of supercomputers will change the business world. Companies will be able to use them to forecast sales, design a new product, or see if a new system will work. It will save time and money. My only problem is relying too heavily on them. If the system crashes your company can be left with nothing.



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