Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IBM to Help Companies Improve Web Presence

IBM has unveiled new software that is meant to help organizations have new ways of interacting with their consumers over the Web and through mobile devices. This new software portfolio called, IBM Customer Experience Suite, will make things easier for consumers to navigate, more interactive, and more personalized. This new software has many features. It contains analytics, social networking, web content management, portal, mashups, and mobile capabilities. This will allow organizations to become more attractive to customers. It will also allow them to gain more customer loyalty. This software will allow organizations also to analyze and adapt to preferences, behaviors, and buying patterns of users.

This new software I feel will be very helpful to organizations in the coming years. Our world is turning more and more to technology in everything we do. One thing that many people now take part in is online shopping. According to the Businessweek article 8 out of 10 consumers shop online at least twice a week and this is projected to significantly increase in the coming years. The article also predicts that mobile online shopping will triple annually and rise to $119 billion by 2015. Although some organizations are doing very well with adjusting to the times, others are not having the same success. These organizations struggling with this transition need a more simplified Web presence. Through, IBM Customer Experience Suite, struggling organizations can finally find some success in online shopping. Customers will be attracted to the things like social networking and mobile capabilities. They also will be more loyal to organizations that show and give them what they want. This new software allows that. Organizations will be able to personalize advertising and marketing. They will be able to better understand and influence visitors.

Although some technological innovations do not have success, IBM has already proven that this new software can have great success. People who have used IBM’s current portfolio have achieved 23% increase on online prescription refills at a cost of $.25 compared to $3 on the telephone and 33% of patients were less likely to cancel appointments using online service. Another 30% of customers have rated self service higher then help desk, 75% reduction in time to roll out new customer oriented applications, and 30% reduction in call center field support calls (Businessweek). Organizations and customers alike will benefit from this software. Customers will have a much easier experience shopping online and will also be able to be more interactive. Organizations that never had previous success with online shopping will now be able to attract and target new customers and be able to keep present customers loyal through the data they collect from their shoppers. This software may not be important to all organizations, but a lot of organizations cannot afford to ignore it. The consumer marketplace is constantly changing and right now it is about online shopping and knowing your customers well. Alistair Rennie, general manager of IBM Collaboration Software says it best, “Collaboration and social software have the power to transform an organizations Web presence reinventing how they relate to their customers on the Web.”

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