Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Salesforce Unveils Database Product, Taking On Oracle

Salesforce.com, a leading seller in online customer-relationship management programs, is attempting to catch up to Oracle Corp. by introducing Database.com. This new software is a database full of information that can be used by developers to build online applications. This is a great step forward for Salesforce because it is expanding the company into a new market, a market of developers. Now, in addition to selling finished programs, they are supplying information to developers who would like to create their own programs. This use of IT and expansion is going to skyrocket the company to Oracle's level, if not higher. There is no limit to how successful this could be, since program developers are always looking for the next best thing. Now, with the help of Database.com, all the tools needed are in one location, something that some developers have been looking for and is too good for the others to pass up. CIOs of corporations will be pleased to hear this news and are expected to jump on it immediately, which will bring a ton of revenue to Salesforce, and the companies helping them (Informatica Corp. and Progress Software Corp.). The article states that revenue may increase 22 percent for the 2012 fiscal year, a huge increase for a single company to make in such a short period of time.


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