Thursday, September 23, 2010

itunes Expanding Even More

In today’s world less and less people are reading the actual newspaper, with more people getting their news from online sources. With this happening, many newspapers are available to buy online, but a lot of the time this can be inconvenient or too expensive. So Apple has come out with the idea of an online type of newsstand that would become part of the itunes store. This seems like it would be a great idea considering how well the itunes store has done selling music, applications, TV shows, and movies. The fact that itunes revolutionized the music industry gives the idea of an online newsstand great potential. Couple that with the fact that the ipad has a perfect screen for reading something like a newspaper or magazine, and you would be looking at sales that you might have never imagined. Apparently there are already some companies that are interested in selling their product in an Apple online store. The article does not say how exactly it would work, but like being able to buy single songs from an album, you might be able to buy certain articles or sections of a newspaper or magazine if you are not interested in the whole thing.
The benefits from companies partnering with Apple are great, but there are also downsides to whoever decides they would like to do business with Apple. The first and major benefit would be accessibility, as a lot people in United States have access to the itunes store, and would not have to leave their house to even get the newspaper. Another benefit for the customers is that all the newspapers and magazines that they want are all in one spot. This eliminates the time searching for articles, and actually gives people more time to read and understand which is what they truly want to do. A benefit for the companies is that through the itunes store they might be able to reach out to people that they have never reached before. An example of this would be children who are just searching through the itunes store who stumble upon an article that they might want to read.
However the downsides to the companies partnering up with Apple are also pretty big. First of all the price of what people would have to pay for a subscription or single newspaper would go up by a significant margin because Apple needs to make a profit too. As of right now some subscriptions are already at a very high price, and I am not sure that some people will want to pay more just get their news through itunes. Not only that but Apple gets all the information from the buyers through the itunes store, and as of right now it is not known how much of that information will be given to the companies from Apple.

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